Battle Royal

Battle Royal
Enter the portal and deliver the ultimate bomb.
Enter the Portal

Epic perk up

Main Quests
Ray : Alright, Dennis. Hit me with that magnet.
Dennis : Uh, here we go.
Ray : Bonjour! This is failure Ray. Failure. Ray. Ray is failing. Failing her friend. Friend.
Dennis : You can't keep doing this to yourself, Ray.
Ray : I can power through. Hit me again!
Dennis : You're cut off, Ray.
Ray : I thought you were my friend, Dennis!
Desiree : Ray, it's time.
Ray : No! Not yet.
Desiree : Everyone gather up!
Desiree : The Night Army is on the move.
Desiree : If we don't strike now, we lose.
Ray : Des!
Vinderman AI : I'm sorry, no.
Vinderman AI : She had something she wanted you to hear.
Desiree Message : If you hear this message, I guess this wasn't all for nothing.
Desiree Message : I'm a minute away from activating the bomb.
Desiree Message : I'm sorry... that I have to be the one to do it.
Desiree Message : I'm sorry for you... and I'm sorry for me.
Desiree Message : I tried to find another solution. This isn't a guilt thing.
Desiree Message : If we had more time, maybe.
Desiree Message : Speaking of time, I only have twenty seconds left. I would like the last few to be quiet.
Desiree Message : I hope this gives you a fighting chance.
Desiree Message : And I'm glad you took my name, Ray.
Desiree Message : You did more with it than I ever could.
Desiree Message : Let's be quiet for a moment.
Desiree Message : ...
Ray : (crying) Goodbye, Des.
Starting Dialogues
Ending Dialogues