Fortnite Save The World Database
Miniboss V-Bucks Missions
No V-Bucks Missions today
Missions Expire : 2025-02-12 00:00:00
Honorable Rewards


Stonewood Plankerton Canny Twine Ventures


Mythic Legendary Epic Rare Uncommon Common

Order By

Power Level


Survivors Leaders/Manager Hero Upgrade Llama Mini Llama Schematics Ranged Schematics Melee Schematics Trap Schematics
V Dim Mak Mari 140 Dim Mak Mari Dim Mak Mari
V Huskcleaver 124 Huskcleaver Huskcleaver
V Healing Pad 124 Healing Pad Healing Pad
V Dim Mak Mari 124 Dim Mak Mari Dim Mak Mari
V Maverick 70 Maverick Maverick
V Cozy Campfire 46 Cozy Campfire Cozy Campfire
V Colonel Wildcat 124 Colonel Wildcat Colonel Wildcat
V Stabsworth the III 108 Stabsworth the III Stabsworth the III
V Deathwing 108 Deathwing Deathwing
V Ceiling Drop Trap 94 Ceiling Drop Trap Ceiling Drop Trap
V Assault Defender 94 Assault Defender Assault Defender
V Fortsville Slugger 3000 70 Fortsville Slugger 3000 Fortsville Slugger 3000
V Thunderbolt 70 Thunderbolt Thunderbolt
V Deathwing 46 Deathwing Deathwing
V Riptide 34 Riptide Riptide
V Riptide 34 Riptide Riptide
V Pistol Defender 23 Pistol Defender Pistol Defender
V Pistol Defender 23 Pistol Defender Pistol Defender
V Tigerjaw 5 Tigerjaw Tigerjaw
V Breaching Bar 5 Breaching Bar Breaching Bar
V Upgrade Llama Token 94 Upgrade Llama Token Upgrade Llama Token
V Mini Reward Llama 34 Mini Reward Llama Mini Reward Llama
V Mini Reward Llama 23 Mini Reward Llama Mini Reward Llama
T Judge 160 Judge Judge
T Shotgun Defender 132 Shotgun Defender Shotgun Defender
T Flame Grill Floor Trap 132 Flame Grill Floor Trap Flame Grill Floor Trap
T One Shot 116 One Shot One Shot
T Thunderbolt 116 Thunderbolt Thunderbolt
T Mr. Red 116 Mr. Red Mr. Red
T Ceiling Electric Field 116 Ceiling Electric Field Ceiling Electric Field
T Wall Spikes 116 Wall Spikes Wall Spikes
T B.A.S.E. Kyle 108 B.A.S.E. Kyle B.A.S.E. Kyle
T Nightclaw 94 Nightclaw Nightclaw
T Vacuum Tube Sniper Rifle 94 Vacuum Tube Sniper Rifle Vacuum Tube Sniper Rifle
T Hack Axe 88 Hack Axe Hack Axe
T Wall Lights 88 Wall Lights Wall Lights
T Judge 88 Judge Judge
T Stampede 82 Stampede Stampede
T Dragonfly 76 Dragonfly Dragonfly
T Hunter-killer 124 Hunter-killer Hunter-killer
T Claxe 124 Claxe Claxe
T Sawtooth 124 Sawtooth Sawtooth
T Ceiling Zapper 124 Ceiling Zapper Ceiling Zapper
T Thrasher 108 Thrasher Thrasher
T Flame Grill Floor Trap 108 Flame Grill Floor Trap Flame Grill Floor Trap
T Elegant Scythe 100 Elegant Scythe Elegant Scythe
T Thumper 100 Thumper Thumper
T Krypton Pistol 88 Krypton Pistol Krypton Pistol
T Pipe Down! 88 Pipe Down! Pipe Down!
T Vindertech Pulsar 88 Vindertech Pulsar Vindertech Pulsar
T Lightning Pistol 82 Lightning Pistol Lightning Pistol
T Flame Grill Floor Trap 76 Flame Grill Floor Trap Flame Grill Floor Trap
T Survivor 76 Survivor Survivor
T Stormchaser's Revenge 76 Stormchaser's Revenge Stormchaser's Revenge
C Healing Pad 70 Healing Pad Healing Pad
C Armaggeddon 64 Armaggeddon Armaggeddon
C Riptide 64 Riptide Riptide
C Ceiling Gas Trap 64 Ceiling Gas Trap Ceiling Gas Trap
C Pulverizer 58 Pulverizer Pulverizer
C Lightning Pistol 58 Lightning Pistol Lightning Pistol
C Tsunami 46 Tsunami Tsunami
C Krypton Pistol 70 Krypton Pistol Krypton Pistol
C Survivor 70 Survivor Survivor
C Ceiling Drop Trap 64 Ceiling Drop Trap Ceiling Drop Trap
C Tsunami 64 Tsunami Tsunami
C Wall Darts 64 Wall Darts Wall Darts
C Survivor 64 Survivor Survivor
C Survivor 64 Survivor Survivor
C Lightning Pistol 58 Lightning Pistol Lightning Pistol
C Masters Driver 58 Masters Driver Masters Driver
C Zapotron 58 Zapotron Zapotron
C Vindertech Slammer 52 Vindertech Slammer Vindertech Slammer
C Bazooka 52 Bazooka Bazooka
C Vacuum Tube Sniper Rifle 52 Vacuum Tube Sniper Rifle Vacuum Tube Sniper Rifle
C Wall Dynamo 46 Wall Dynamo Wall Dynamo
C Vacuum Tube Shotgun 46 Vacuum Tube Shotgun Vacuum Tube Shotgun
C Mini Reward Llama 70 Mini Reward Llama Mini Reward Llama
C Mini Reward Llama 70 Mini Reward Llama Mini Reward Llama
C Mini Reward Llama 58 Mini Reward Llama Mini Reward Llama
C Upgrade Llama Token 52 Upgrade Llama Token Upgrade Llama Token
C Mini Reward Llama 46 Mini Reward Llama Mini Reward Llama
P Vacuum Tube Rifle 40 Vacuum Tube Rifle Vacuum Tube Rifle
P Vacuum Tube Shotgun 34 Vacuum Tube Shotgun Vacuum Tube Shotgun
P Krypton Sword 28 Krypton Sword Krypton Sword
P Riptide 19 Riptide Riptide
P Power B.A.S.E. Knox 40 Power B.A.S.E. Knox Power B.A.S.E. Knox
P Heavy Sledge 40 Heavy Sledge Heavy Sledge
P Stampede 40 Stampede Stampede
P Templar 40 Templar Templar
P Survivor 40 Survivor Survivor
P Breacher 34 Breacher Breacher
P Survivor 34 Survivor Survivor
P Melee Defender 28 Melee Defender Melee Defender
P Stinger 23 Stinger Stinger
P The Initiator 23 The Initiator The Initiator
P Survivor 23 Survivor Survivor
P Zapotron 23 Zapotron Zapotron
P Judge 23 Judge Judge
P Mini Reward Llama 46 Mini Reward Llama Mini Reward Llama
P Mini Reward Llama 34 Mini Reward Llama Mini Reward Llama
S Dissector 15 Dissector Dissector
S Predator 15 Predator Predator
S Greataxe 15 Greataxe Greataxe
S Terminator 15 Terminator Terminator
S Splinter Axe 9 Splinter Axe Splinter Axe
S Wooden Floor Spikes 9 Wooden Floor Spikes Wooden Floor Spikes
S Deadeye 5 Deadeye Deadeye
S Splinter Axe 5 Splinter Axe Splinter Axe
S Ceiling Zapper 15 Ceiling Zapper Ceiling Zapper
S Healing Pad 15 Healing Pad Healing Pad
S Mini Reward Llama 9 Mini Reward Llama Mini Reward Llama
V-Bucks Missions History
Last 7 Days
380 -13.6 %
Last 30 Days
1490 422.8 %
This Year
Alert Summary
Reward SW PT CV TP Total
V-Bucks V-Bucks 0 0 0 0 0
Perk up legendary Perk Up 0 0 0 739 1054
Perk up epic Perk Up 0 0 235 1560 2784
Perk up rare Perk Up 0 145 1000 0 1570
Perk up uncommon Perk Up 0 130 210 0 340
Re-perk RE-PERK! 0 557 575 1722 3704
Pure drops Pure drops 118 180 176 926 1992
Lightning Lightning 0 88 130 236 617
Eyes Eyes 0 4 24 492 584
Storm Shard Storm Shard 0 0 0 92 139
Tickets Tickets 652 1511 2782 6564 16248
Survivor Exp Surv XP 2K 25K 40K 244K 460K
Hero Exp Hero XP 0 15K 59K 529K 655K
Schematic Exp Schematic XP 2K 4K 0 143K 186K
Fire Exp FIRE-UP! 0 800 1070 3840 8450
Frost Up FROST-UP! 0 640 980 3810 8070
Amp Up AMP-UP! 0 530 660 2210 5270
Weekly Supercharger
Hero Supercharger
Llama Rotation Llama Rotation

Save The World Store

Upgrade Llama
People Llama
Mega Alerts


Ride The Lightning 15 Schematic XP Schematic XP (x1320)
Pure Drop of Rain Pure Drop of Rain (x4)
Ride The Lightning 9 Survivor XP Survivor XP (x1100)
Survivor XP Survivor XP (x4)
Ride The Lightning 5 Survivor XP Survivor XP (x880)
Hero XP Hero XP (x4)


Fight Category 2 Storm 23 RE-PERK! RE-PERK! (x92)
Schematic XP Schematic XP (x4)
Fight the Storm 19 Schematic XP Schematic XP (x4400)
Survivor XP Survivor XP (x4)

Canny Valley

Ride The Lightning 58 RE-PERK! RE-PERK! (x205)
Survivor XP Survivor XP (x4)
Repair the Shelter 52 Survivor XP Survivor XP (x39600)
Uncommon PERK-UP! Uncommon PERK-UP!
Uncommon PERK-UP! Uncommon PERK-UP!
Ride The Lightning 46 Lightning in a Bottle Lightning in a Bottle (x26)
Hero XP Hero XP (x4)
Ride The Lightning 58 RE-PERK! RE-PERK! (x205)
Survivor XP Survivor XP (x4)
Repair the Shelter 52 Survivor XP Survivor XP (x39600)
Uncommon PERK-UP! Uncommon PERK-UP!
Uncommon PERK-UP! Uncommon PERK-UP!
1 more active mission

Twine Peaks

Repair the Shelter 160 Hero XP Hero XP (x273680)
Legendary PERK-UP! Legendary PERK-UP!
Legendary PERK-UP! Legendary PERK-UP!
Legendary PERK-UP! Legendary PERK-UP!
Legendary PERK-UP! Legendary PERK-UP!
Retrieve the Data 140 Pure Drop of Rain Pure Drop of Rain (x225)
Fight Category 4 Storm 132 Hero XP Hero XP (x189200)
Eye of the Storm Eye of the Storm (x4)
Evacuate the Shelter 124 Eye of the Storm Eye of the Storm (x53)
Lightning in a Bottle Lightning in a Bottle (x4)
Repair the Shelter 116 RE-PERK! RE-PERK! (x328)
15 more active missions